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Describe the situation you were in, the goals you were working toward, the actions you took, and the result. I really like the flexibility in hours that a stay-at-home position offers. Being able to set my own hours allows me to work when I am most alert. Ultimately, I am more productive when working from home than when commuting to an office and wasting time stuck in traffic. Think about how working from home improves your job performance.

For candidates who have worked remotely before, you can ask remote-focused questions about their specific past experiences. That way you get insight into how well they might work in a remote team environment. For example, an effective member of a distributed team needs advanced work from home experience skills in communication, self-discipline, time management, organization, remote agile development and more. A recruiter or hiring manager will inevitably probe your answers about those kinds of skills, in addition to figuring out your technical aptitude for the job.

How do you/would you minimize distractions when you work from home?

Prior to your interview, revisit the job posting or ask the recruiter which tools your prospective team uses so that you can frame your response with those technologies in mind. And know that you probably won’t have experience with every single platform any given employer uses. Just be sure to mention how quickly you’ve learned new tools in the past.

tell us about your experience in a work from home environment

Here are nine questions about working from home and motivation that you should be prepared to answer — and some ideas of what you should consider before you answer. Some could be for communication and collaboration like Slack and Zoom, while others could be for daily tasks and tracking work like Basecamp. For example, if you’re a journalist or a writer, a once a week meeting is enough for discussions and brainstorming.

Job interview questions to determine a candidate’s remote working experience

There’s a good chance you’ll be asked something along the lines of “What can you contribute to this company?” in your next remote job interview. It’s one of the most common job interview questions because it helps the hiring managers assess whether or not you’d be a good fit for the company’s specific needs. Communicating well may be the most important skill a candidate can have in a work setting. While that’s definitely true for an in-office setting, remote teams lack the ease of in-person collaboration.

  • While it’s a myth that remote workers aren’t productive, hiring managers still want assurance that you’ll be working.
  • Do you like old-fashioned to-do lists and make one up every day just to cross off your accomplishments?
  • I find that provides me with great energy when I’m talking to people.

You can do so by answering your interview questions while keeping an energetic and cheerful disposition. You don’t have to worry if you have no prior experience with working from home listed on your resume. If you’ve worked remotely before, talk about that beyond details on your resume.

How Do You Manage Your Time and Stay Organized?

I also installed some recessed lighting to compliment the natural light from outside. There are two windows in my office and I find that especially important. I couldn’t work without some natural light ????  I also have a few plants throughout the office too. I have a designated office (which morphs into a “family room” in the evening) which is a bonus room over our garage.

tell us about your experience in a work from home environment

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